Principal’s Message

Principal Mr. Michael Pontebbi

September Message:

PSMS 20 Community,

Welcome back families, students, and staff. I am excited to begin our second year together. There are a few items I wish to share with you all. The first is to stress the importance of attendance. Did you know that missing 20 days of school can cause your child to fall grade levels behind in Reading and Math? Students need to be in school every day and on time. To help support families to be on time every day, we will be beginning the day at 8:10AM. Breakfast will be at 7:40AM each day. Parents should not drop off their child before this time. Dismissal is now at 2:30PM. Parents be sure to be on time in picking up your child, as this will help us to keep everybody safe.

We will be having several dates in September to welcome families back to the building. We will also be having in person parent teacher conferences this year!! Be on the look out for the September calendar with important dates coming soon!

See you all in School!!

Mr. M. Pontebbi