Principal’s Message

Principal Mr. Michael Pontebbi

Dear TIGERS Community,

March brings a time for new beginnings. This March we will SPRING into the new season of our school year. As the weather changes outside, inside PSMS 20, we are working full speed ahead to prepare for our NYS tests in Grades 3-8. Our 3rd-8th grade students will be taking their ELA and Math tests in April and May.

We are always working to ensure that our Kindergarteners, 1st graders, and 2nd graders make academic progress in reading.

All students will be offered strategic academic interventions while our teachers monitor student progress in all classes.

It is important that in the next 4 months of school we continue working hard every day so that we make the academic gains we all aspire to make.

Outside of the classroom, we will be having a school wide Spelling Bee. We will also be engaged in a March Madness School Initiative focusing on Attendance and Student Academics. We will be hosting our virtual Parent Teacher Conference in the afternoon and evening on Thursday March 6th as well,

We recognize March as a time of celebration. We wish all the strong, proud, and intelligent women of the PSMS 20 community a great Women’s History Month. We acknowledge Ramadan throughout March as well and of course celebrate with our members who recognize Irish heritage.

Let’s have a Great March! Remember that attendance is so important to student development and that collaboration and communication will help us to continuously improve.

In Collaboration,

Dr. Pontebbi